Mar 20: Yellowing

It may not happen every day, but many people will see fields as they go about their daily business. For those living in urban areas, particularly large cities, it may be some time before this happens, but I am fortunate enough to live in rural Norfolk and work in the city of Ely in Cambridgeshire. This means that for over 95% of the journey to work each weekday, there are fields on both sides of the road, or woodlands. 

Around this time of year, we start to see the first signs of yellow in the fields with the flowering oilseed rape. This has replaced other crops in the usual rotation of crops that farmers use to maintain soil health.

My journey home takes me through Fincham where I can see the fields of Hall Farm turning yellow, and then travel a few hundred yards to the processing plant where they become the rapeseed oil I use to cook with. 

Images: Alan Parkinson, CC license

I also used this as an activity in my KS3 Toolkit Book 'Look at it this Way'. Rapeseed fields have previously been in the news - pre-pandemic - for attracting Japanese tourists. Coincidentally I came across a newspaper clipping of this story five minutes after typing those words....spooky...
