Everyday we encounter items which have been within a shipping container, and which have a story that can be unpicked and followed.
It started with Ian's research, where he followed up the story of a papaya.
A few years ago, Ian was able to get some funding and he paid for me to work with him for a few days, and some writing time to develop some resources. I worked on an educational resource, with some downloads for the 'Follow the Things' website.
It started with Ian's research, where he followed up the story of a papaya.
A few years ago, Ian was able to get some funding and he paid for me to work with him for a few days, and some writing time to develop some resources. I worked on an educational resource, with some downloads for the 'Follow the Things' website.
A related area is the work of Eeva Kempainnen and Finnish colleagues on trade justice issues, and she has also produced a guide for producing subvertisements.
Articles like this one point out the importance of shipping containers, and understanding the role of these in global trade is important.
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