Jan 1: Welcome to the blog

Starting today: the 1st of January 2021
... a new blog which will focus on the build up to my GA Presidential Year, which is scheduled to start on the 1st of September 2021.

The blog is called QUOTIDIAN GEOGRAPHY. 
This will also be my proposed theme for my Presidential year and I will expand on that more as the year develops and firm it up ahead of April's GA Conference 2021, which will sadly be held online again this year rather than as a face to face event at the University of Surrey, as it will need to be included in the conference programme.

This will explore the geography of the quotidian: the everyday geographies of our lives, and the importance of getting outside into the geography that lies beyond the four walls we spend a great deal of our time inside, and many of us spent more time there than for some time during 2020, and reduced travelling to a minimum. For many of us, we have been forced to stay inside, others have opted to isolate to reduce the risk of infection from Covid-19. These measures continue into 2021, as the roll out of the vaccines has been hit by entirely predictable shortages of glass vials and needles (I blogged about that issue 9 months ago) and the staff to administer them. Hopefully those can be ironed out and the numbers of vaccinations increase.

I'll aim to add something here each day if possible, certainly more than once a week, much of which will connect with events that happened on that particular week of the year in the past, or where there is a particularly geographical event that takes place during that week. There will also be details of some of the activities associated with being Vice President, and then President of the Geographical Association. Yesterday was a good end to 2020, as GA President for 2008: Margaret Roberts was awarded an MBE for her services to education. I also saw in the local Sheffield paper that Margaret is 80 years old - and still active within the geography community.

There'll be ideas for further exploration and I'll draw on the 10000+ posts on LivingGeography and other blogs of mine such as Cultcha, and the GeoLibrary and my new Year of Small Pleasures blog.

As a favourite quote of mine goes:

"Little minds are interested in the extraordinary; great minds in the commonplace"
Elbert Hubbard

I will also be offering readers of the blog the chance to earn one of these limited edition badges. I have had 100 made. I have one for myself, and my mentor and colleague Claire K has one. Which means there are 98 remaining to be handed out...
You can sign up to follow the blog, and receive an e-mail whenever there are new posts.


  1. It looks like a wonderful new blog. Forgive me, but I looked everywhere for the email subscription button and could not find one. Is there one? If not, can you add one? Thanks. Happy new year!

    1. Hi Mimi - thanks for the follow and the kind comments. Subscription link has now been added to the right hand column. Best wishes. Alan

  2. Very much forward to keeping up this blog. You take up a lot of my time nowadays ... in the best way possible. Wishing you a healthy 2021. Matt.


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