Jan 22: The road goes ever on...

"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no telling where you might be swept off to"

'The Lord of the Rings' was J R R Tolkien's most famous creation perhaps, although he wrote a great deal more including 'The Hobbit', the mythologies of Middle Earth and even letters from Father Christmas. The Hobbit starts with someone who doesn't really want to go on an adventure, and is reluctant to get involved... He is persuaded to go on the adventure... This rhyme is included, and versions of it appear in other places in the books:

“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can".

Ordnance Survey research in 2015 apparently revealed that:
"a quarter of people in the UK feel that a 15-minute walk is too far and they will take the car instead.."

For the East of England, these were the specific findings:
  • 70% of working Brits don’t walk to their place of work in the morning
  • 62% do not walk to the shops
  • 19% would not walk further than 15 minutes to a destination
  • 22% of Brits think their lifestyle is too sedentary and that they spend too much time indoors or sitting down per day
The top three biggest barriers to spending time outdoors are:
  • The weather 
  • Not enjoying being around lots of people 
  • Not wanting people to see you exercising 
Just imagine when those were the only barriers to getting outside...
We hope that you are still getting your quotidian exercise quota in, and not going too far away from home to get it....

Image: Alan Parkinson, taken on the Ordnance Survey stand at the BETT Show in 2011

Quotes: J.R.R Tolkien

Just to finish:
a) We are preparing for a new Netflix series which will be a prequel for the stories told in 'Lords of the Rings' and the rise of Sauron
b) I took the picture of the Ordnance Survey map stand at BETT ten years ago this month. Eight years after that, I stayed in a holiday cottage in Charmouth which is marked on that map...
